Antonio G. A fish- Castelvetrano center of about thirty thousand inhabitants in the province of Trapani, not know half-measures. They have a public library named after Leonardo Centonze, but are remembered for two other prominent men. One is called Dear John, born there in 1875, and remembered - at least until the culture was not an option - as one of the greatest philosophers of the twentieth century, Italian or not, and the father of school reform, through which the Italians have had for decades, at least to put in a brain drain (now, will be limited to only scare off the backside). The other is Matteo Messina Denaro, the last great Mafia boss we have not yet had the pleasure to recommend to the care of the nation's prisons.
not have half measures in Castelvetrano. Even in the reactions. A few days ago a meeting on the legality of the Palermo prosecutor Antonio Ingroia, and collaborator with justice Vincenzo Calcara went desert of young people (and others). The schools did not participate. Yesterday [21 January] the commissioner of education Sicily, Mario Centorrino, went to Castelvetrano, and after clarification with the mayor and the head of schools, issued a statement that reads: \u0026lt;\u0026lt;It showed a failure to communicate between the various stakeholders, which has created more than a misunderstanding about the event, its ultimate meaning, the participants>>. Too bad the president, Francesco Fiordaliso, had clear ideas when told the Giornale di Sicilia Calcara to consider a "mystifying". Strange way to be as, if not all his statements, a party has been followed and led to convictions.
Now, since Centorrino not if you ask - and could, having authority institutional and cultural - chiediamocelo us until a few years ago, anyone remember these things up misunderstandings? Some of those in their thirties, who came home in the afternoon or evening, and were seated in front of the startled family televised scenes of war in special issues, some of these thirty points for a head start when judging an employee, more and better of a judge, and not to involve three schools - classical, scientific and educational - because there is some protocol?
There can be no misunderstanding - rather, there can be no justification. We must make taboo, socially and personally, the idea that, after all, you can live with the Mafia. What with the Mafia, in the end, we must live with. And that they should as well. And like politics, lately, has created a number of taboos regarding sexual life, we must create other on the social. Among them, the mafia has become our ancestral taboos. You can not make even one step back. We will not distinguish between associations, if there was to express solidarity with those who are victims of sexual abuse or discrimination (or not?). Similarly, whatever the brand of production of an event such as that of 19 Civil Castelvetrano, it was necessary to participate in mass.
steps might not have made the whole city. Can not pass that was not allowed to do so to the boys. That, among other things, said they were dismayed by the incident. A clear sign of what the meaning was clear, for that place, a meeting like that. And how times have changed since that 1992, when he attended without "ifs" or "buts." Let us ask, then, what has changed. And each rediscover the dignity that took out those summer afternoons in nearly two decades ago.
Published on January 22, 2011 www.cataniapolitica.it
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