Antonio G. Fish - After extensive discussion, involving the whole country, March 17 will be painted red - like passion, there's - on the calendar. What is now a day of rest is No doubt, even though for a choice like this, which was granted in the past, have spared no insults, divisions, accusations. What is still in doubt is whether it will be a day of celebration. Because a party is not simply a day off. Least of all could be like this one.
According to news reports, has even threatened that the birthday fell on a Thursday any unit. That is, the birth of that state that 'feeds' - it really must be said - the families of thousands of citizens, who should thank him for paying so much of their idle talk, pass entirely unnoticed. That the date has given to some, even a century and a half later, the opportunity to make fruitful their futility, a day was less important than that in which the politician Italy passes for collection (various benefices). Many reasons for this seem to renewed interest in the country's history and its aversion to the establishment of a unified state, but there is one that can truly call itself and not merely an excuse for others (for example, ideological tendencies)?
The controversy began with the more rhetorical argument. There was smoke to sell, and in Italy we have more experts. What rips tears over here, over the mother? Work. Thus, was pulled in the ball business productivity. What is - is very clear - a serious matter. Especially for those who do not know how to cope with the end of each month. Each end job. Each end of project, contract, aim, and on (go) saying. But in the year in which few other holiday has been absorbed by chance, perhaps you could work more imagination. And then, rhetoric for rhetoric, because we forget that our Parliament has shown little zeal lately (if it ever was)? Why not mention the long pauses?
Companies, Marcegaglia have claimed. There is work? We agree. But if the only idea that comes to mind to the ruling class of one of the most industrialized countries of the world (and we're still, facciamocene a reason), to increase productivity, and file down to the bone the hours of rest, then we put really bad. In the East the large collective farms can always count on fresh meat to be placed in a continuous loop in their meat grinder. Are not beatable. Just as long as human existence is not to rebel against his chains - and if they have already seen the results at a stone's throw from our shores. In the meantime, we must think of something less obvious as a strategy.
Beyond this, surveys have been moved to more "institutional". Lack the financial coverage of expenditure, and thus the decree would be unconstitutional. A Calderoli say, but it is also presumed to be the opinion of Umberto Bossi. On the economic issue is better not to enter. It is good to hope that is not so, that at least these four pennies there are, and know that someone in the government deal. With regard to the constitutionality, let's face it frankly: the pulpit is not the best. Invite the division of the country, or about fifty thousand men, armed with a shotgun, not really the most appropriate way to approach the founding text of the Republic.
Maybe you can read another. After twenty years of political commitment on the national scene, the League is showing to what has been since its foundation: a party purely Italian. (We had hoped otherwise, but so be it). With all the flaws, of course, but also the virtues of the Italians. Among the advantages we have, there's good nature. Keep talking, but in the end we are as sweet as sugar. Because here, in Italy, we all family. And nobody has ever thought of sending their children in the trenches, they were also to save the valley of the Po from invading southerners.
Then there are the flaws. And here comes the arrogance mixed with carelessness, the minimalism that slips into the nihilism that the rhetorical breaks down every rampart that is not theirs. The de-sacralization of certain words in our vocabulary calendar began before the advent of the League, Berlusconi's Drive In, and other amenities mentioned by publicans and Pharisees to create an alibi. It is estimated that it will continue for much longer. We cringe at the fate of the word "homeland", the "nation", the "Renaissance"? And the "culture"? the "sacrifice"? the "legality"? Since we do not boast of having read anything in the last decades, which is not the license plate of their car, because the reader "then it becomes complicated, and confusing superficiality and ignorance with simplicity. Becomes the village idiot who graduated, "because both graduate is useless, stupid and who pays all taxes, because" the state can not ask this ... and that ... "and so on.
If ours is indeed declining, then there appeared from nowhere in 1994, and will not disappear into thin air on April 6 or so. This is good to take into account. However, Italy has a place where he has always shown professionalism: the story. And this is strange to think of it, because history is the indelible mark of political action. But perhaps not too much, not just do the necessary distinction between the real politics, which is the interaction of men (even in the class struggle, even in the wars of religion), and media appearances (the poetic liturgies of the past as the cathode prosaic appearances today.) In life (that matters) at least until a few years ago, the Italians knew assert ourselves. And it is still difficult to know men who have worked hard throughout their lives - to sacrifice sacrifices, exploitation on exploitation - just to ensure their children the opportunity to study, and the campaign to free themselves from the sun or from the furnace of the factory.
in history we meet in real people, without interest now to be defended, without shame to hide. And that is why the historical debate on national identity is far more serious than the beats of the great thinkers seated on their parliamentary seats. And that's why, again, is not hard to find the worm of guilt. The story is about the people: we really think that because something has made them a minimum of dignity, should be free from error? The fight against the Nazis did not spare the innocent victims - they want to talk about Dresden? However, winners can write their histories they want, and be more of the petty meanness that have fought (the Holocaust Japanese nuclear power really is a simple act of war, how serious?). The story is not the simple facts (which do not exist), but their assessment. Overall and excluding any other strategic consideration, the better the victory sull'Imbianchino Dresden?
deficiencies Risorgimento speak of human weakness to pursue a goal, not the quality of what you intended it. The spirit of Dante, Petrarch, Alfieri as Foscolo, Leopardi and Manzoni is no different firms Cavour or Garibaldi - indeed. And the thousands who landed at Marsala, or those in Milan rose against the foreigner, deserve no less recognition of those who remained in the valleys North or South in the countryside to graze their herds. Because in any human event to find someone who is not silent, and he believes and hopes, and who does not know which party to take (or not to take).
History does not do coffee, planning. The living is done. And who interact more with each other, the more motor events. Life - men in their person as a Member in their institutions - not the whole must be from the beginning. And who comes round square can even die. The history we are living - the story that has seen us together in the Karst and Monte Grappa, against the mafia and terrorism, in mines or factories Marcinelle and country of Italy, the story that has been involved in studies in the laboratories as to build an Italy calendar - this story is no different, and does not deserve less respect than hundred and fifty years ago. It's us, always us who do the people participating in nation building bigger and richer. Rich in humanity, great in culture.
Italy is a poetic construction, before the result of wars, guns and equipment. Why the lack of political-institutional unit should affect the value of the same territorial contiguity? Because being a geographical expression is less important than being an expression policy? How many love affairs end up on the remote! And how many times in our real life we \u200b\u200bcould fraternize with those who had close and with the experience of life, with the combination of hopes and passions, we felt inextricably tied to our existence than certain bonds of kinship? Why the Venetians did not have to feel united with the Sicilian dialects and beyond the 'races', just because they thought - yes thought - in a poem and an idea?
Why, indeed, we think - in individuality as in the community - as determined by a nature which has lost its charm, and there binds to constraints that we are not ourselves?
We are not those of yesterday or tomorrow, we are not those of the March 17, 1861 or those hundred and fifty years later. Just as each of us is not the child of thirty-five years ago, nor the elderly will be among many. We are continuing the awareness of ourselves. We are as people and just because we are as people, we are as people. And the people are that group of people - not race, not by institution, but from experience - that time has made known to each other, that has united the event of tears, joy, grief, hopes and common purpose . This is the country: what is always the mother who teaches and does not just give birth, and that less well, only to recognize municipal acts. Every Italian is true to the real Italian factories, fields, classrooms. Born here or elsewhere, of this or that skin color. But for educated Italian history and the fate of these people. Continued openness to others, but because it continues identity. And vice versa.
Why so much noise on the celebrations on 17 March, when every day we should celebrate, and perhaps go away with the mind - the ideas of Dante, the formation of the vernacular, to identify Italy as a geographical identity? Because underlying these controversies, there is a narrative - the last great narrative, remained dogma even among the most self-styled secular: the narrative of the state. The identity of a people would date the birth of the modern state. It does not state as a community, but as state bureaucracy, with its offices, its laws, its legal identity.
The paradox at this point is for one who does not see the State before 1861, or who think of fixing their identity at a time outside time, outside history. In the first case is nothing but a statist to be so devoid of conscience: give up a local authority, and will transform it into a great barracks, no more and no less than he accuses of being (verbally) to the unitary state. In the second case does not involve an intolerant, but a speck. Good for us a carnival, and unconsciously the same mock heroic events of which one disguises.
Published on February 25, 2011 www.thefrontpage.it
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