Antonio G. Fish-intensive City Council last night in Catania. In discussing an agenda that, if it is not aborted, will revolutionize the city. Password: decentralize. The end? What a better functioning of the municipalities, a moment of union between the center and periphery.
Open debate Salvo Di Salvo (Mpa), retracing the steps legislation at national level, and those policies - and unfortunately very difficult issues - of city politics. "We have to give dignity to the directors and the presidents of the municipalities," said Di Salvo, which he then highlighted as the 'center' of the Piazza Duomo is not always seize well the problems of Pigno district, the Playa of Librino, etc.. Examination of which he has agreed Manlio Messina (PDL), pointing out in particular his record of District Council. And above all an encounter, a moment of discussion at the palace with Mr Esa Pogliese, Leanza and the same Di Salvo. However, the exponent of the PDL asked clearly: "We need a clear plan." Along the same lines also the director Francis Montemagno (Mixed / API), which has proposed a technical committee, perhaps turning to scholars of the University of Catania. It has launched a 'clear' charge: the municipalities have not been put in by officials, and to make their presence felt in the neighborhood, because they are considered reservoirs of votes. And I'm so also become 'cost center'.
Puccio Squad (Pdl-Sicilia/Fli) has criticized the lateness of the debate el'evanescenza, charged the administration. And he invited the mayor to become a promoter of reform, perhaps with a decision in which it is clear the majority of the city project. And its time to not address the question of decentralization of the political debate have focused too Nello Musumeci (right - Sicilian Alliance) and Rosario D'Agata (Pd). Musumeci, even launching the hit of the evening (stab in the mayor Stancanelli has suffered, quoting again and again in his reply): \u0026lt;\u0026lt;2 years, 6 months, 27 days>>. So much is spent, said the former president of the province, because the administration to address this question. "Maybe because it is not a priority for the mayor?" He asked ironically Musumeci, however, not limited only to invective. Musumeci need to reduce the cost of politics: local councilors begin to lead by example, reducing the attendance fee, and to continue reducing the number of municipalities, passing from the current ten to five. D'Agata of the same opinion, which did not fail to point out to those who say their results have been reached by Enzo Bianco, frustrated by more than ten years of center-right administration. On this "budget" was recorded during replication Stancanelli, a time of great controversy between the mayor and D'Agata, so that the president dell'assise town, Jones had to call repeatedly to order the parent Pd .
However, Stancanelli , the debate in the classroom - and this was also agreed Vincenzo Castelli (UDC) - is characterized by demagoguery. The mayor is no longer given any responsibility, for example, if the powers granted by an ordinance of 1995 have not yet found concrete implementation after fifteen years. The address of the administration on this point is clear: the municipality must be incorporated in the work of city government, not only to migliorane liveability, but also to support the work of the major organs. Stancanelli said he was pleased with the order of the day, rejecting the accusation of indifference more than once mayor, district chairpersons and councilors met in these "2 years, 6 months, 27 days, even informally. So say that the administration has been absent about the problems of neighborhoods is not true. Finally, the mayor said he hoped that soon, in a technical, the majority and the opposition can come together to devise a concrete plan of decentralization.
Published on January 29, 2011 www.cataniapolitica.it
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