Antonio G. Fish - F bears a bit of intellectual conformity, which creates more of catchy radio tricks, things that count we Italians arrive late. In the end, someone has to say as they are, and for some twenty years in this part allotted to the judiciary guaranteed unravel the veil of modesty, beneath which lurks the beast of our political Machiavellian. Cristina Di Censo the investigating judge has given the go, reluctantly, to the dance macabre of the comments, among which those leaguers. This time too silent and polite because there is to be feared. A League, when he screams, in politics. It is not dangerous. If silent, thinking. Then you smart.
In a couple of days we moved to comment on the impropriety of sheets spy, in a mixture of feminism vintage (older than three quarters of the songs put together Sanremo) and public-bourgeois respectability, to take seriously the only serious note of the whole thing: a legal act.
The fair was woken up? Yes, I smell the blood electoral consensus goes hunting, the arms, the lust. And threw away the mask of public ethics and decency international, to show its hungry features. Pairing is the time when the rampant lions bestow less respect for the old flock. And here is a poor woman in tricolor - the only one still dressed in more than forty years of marches for the dignity of women done in short skirts, high heels and thong - which continues to have the charm of the rich heiress (Though now deprived of family). There would be surprising if even the meekest of felines Berlusconi, decided - for "the good of the country" of course - to mark their territory. Maybe after taking the well costs and benefits of the operation of additional power.
Meanwhile, we continue eating bread (as long as we do) and political science. And most of all history. The myopia of a nation that limps, is measured from the horizon of historical lapped the public discussion: do not you go over Tangentopoli. Since, that is, it started the conflict between the powers. A narrative, this, that fits into the trend of sustainability: the revolution of the conflict. And the conflict is typically Italian: Caesar and Pompey, Augustus and Mark Antony, and so on up to Coppi and Bartali, Del Piero and Totti, and Berlusconi Boccassini. And that justifies the use that people do bad institutions they create. The powers - as they call them - do not have arms to act, and ideas do not walk because they have no legs. All loan, all human shamelessly, with its height and its grim shabbiness. Pride and Prejudice brought to the fore by the small theater of an Italy full of extras, among which stand out are those that already exist and do not want to get off the stage, and those who want to climb. It was expected very best interpretation, when art has become his profession?
The conflict between politics and the judiciary is not impossible. It's just strange. Can be generated, because both share the public space, albeit at two different times: freedom and law, the enthusiasm and caution. But his generation is the degradation (mutual) roles. And it is undeniable that the saving will of messianic mold creeps on both sides. Both in search of his martyrdom for the glory of winning the palm.
In recent years we have seen judges who have externalized more than they could outside, and politicians who have run away more times than would be expected. Hence the conflict of powers: in the arms that cross armed, in the legs that tripped other. All members - legs and arms - of men. Who lack prudence, because there are no limits. And the world took to discuss the fact of cohabitation, the only limit of the power has always been considered the source.
The clash between politics and the judiciary is the sign of the level of incipient schizophrenia. We are a sick people who hate democracy intestine, because it has no desire to build his salvation. Mundane aspects redeemers. And meanwhile, writhing and screaming at himself. Conflicts are not written in reality, If anything, that has stamped its harmony even in the microcosm. Conflicts are generated by the actions of men. And in Italy, people too easily hangs on the phone, and listens with equal ease.
Then comes the imagination, and with a bit of regret is he wants to return children. It is played to the cordless handset. To the detriment of a nation, which is now based on the interpretation of civilian life.
Published on February 19, 2011 www.thefrontpage.it
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