Antonio G. Fish- "The trains coming from the North have squashed flies on the windows. Those who are not from the south. To the south are the fastest train flies. " Away to the South, under the thieving Rome after which the fine leadership of the League boasts that it was never, Economy Minister Tremonti, the most optimistic of optimists jolly government ministers do (square), did the joke. What is there to be so funny then we do not know, when you have inguaiato president in a history of prostitution and minors, and a tissue social, from the slow-fast north to south, suffering from unemployment and lack of productivity.
We take it for good, however. If there is something of which the Italian can be proud Southerner, is the honesty and humility with which, for the same intellectual capacity and moral deficiencies admits and acknowledges guilt. And let certain arrogance marks in the same valley in which electorally prosperous, going to the heart of the matter.
who is used to having drivers and riders at their disposal, from time to time he enjoys taking the most common means of transport. Once before, \u0026lt;\u0026lt;for the good of Sicilia>>, a small group of very Sicilian zealous politicians took the train that would connect Catania to Palermo. Marveled the six hour trip. More prosaically, people wondered, before such amazement, not only because he knew the problem, but why take the highway that links the two capitals, he can see with your eyes as a means, and sometimes strictly blue flashing , the class-political poetry of Sicily moves to discharge the obligations arising from the 'will of the people'. We
Sicily, southern us but we have a political class poor. We are reminded often many - the same ones that we offer it. But it is. The south can not count the grace of Borghezio, sull'acume Calderoli, culture Nicole Minetti. But if Castiglione, Lombardo, Stancanelli and never forgotten (not done) Scapagnini not much, Tremonti would give them a good example. Beginning to tell us not only what is there to do - because we know so well - but also what he and his cronies have done in those nine years of government to bridge the gap - here, on this we have no ideas clear. He could touch long before the old track, never extended because they were believed not productive, but if they build new ones for just an hour to break down the already fast route between Milan and Rome (also the same thief that everyone, no one knows why, want to reach quickly, without ever volersene off!). He finally looked back at his odyssey, when we would use the funds for Fas in the south even to the ferry on Lake Como.
No more time travel ethnography. Not if he feels the need, when racism was banned even before the story from the scientific community. It is time, instead of challenging policy choices, starting from avoiding tying the Council of Ministers, once per quarter (now this is the cadence), the discussion of evanescent floors dedicated to the tribes 'Trans' of Noon. But the policy starts, when the reading of reality is not limited to ideology. And as long as you continue to tell the ballad of wasted public money from the south, and not - as was-apart from the widespread corruption of the national political lobbies-mafia fiefdom in the south and those north of the business, there will be space for a soap opera, rather than for history. Which
- Tremonti should know - he says many other events. One, among many, of a national capitalism to drive north, not much reduced to the virtuous industriousness of the small farm of the Valtellina.
Published on February 12, 2011 www.cataniapolitica.it
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