Antonio G. Fish- In recent weeks we have tried to figure it out on our Sondaggione. What we had not wrong in having launched, it is clear to anyone who wants to read the data without any bias or intellectual - which is worse - politics almost seven thousand voters, read more than hundred and eighty thousand times, shared in more than a thousand boards of most social network.
Now, before these data are relevant for those who, for any comments, has never expanded the scope and meaning of things, not you can not point out how the challenge because he had his. If someone tried to infiltrate his "friends" - after all, readily skimmed from the diligence of the editorial staff - we had seen better than us that we have proposed. The information world is this: is there better not be (and perhaps this is true on any other aspect of life, including life). And who is wanted there because he understood that it would have taken a turn for anything amateur. How, in fact, happened.
remains now, a ranking, where a lion in it, according to the proportions are two teams that few would have bet. First of all, the right of Musumeci and Zammit. Agreed: the pilot and navigator, a great experience. Pure Zammit? Could it be that the parties to Storace, despite some opportunist promptly returned (the feminine ending says it all) in the ranks of the occupation government, you still wander about politicians, people for whom the militants have his way (South of the publishers guarantee: no have never been affiliated to the Right)? And like him to explain the sudden Mp? For charity: Lombardo is in no way funny. It has committed grave errors. And when he did well, his offhand pragmatism has not always been worthy of praise - it was not pragmatic nor Mussolini, despite what they say, and however Mussolini while we speak (I guarantee publishers South: they are not fascist, because what happened, I regret to have missed the last caravan very heroic). However, its people milling grades, mill consensus even computerized, and serious about every little thing, the newspaper interview that class neighborhood. In a few words? They do not play Allegro general duty. Each of them put aside, as a small ant: a handshake, a cup of coffee, a chat - sometimes you just do not have any illusions, and avoid arrogance, to say that there is to it. I do not know a single one of those in Sondaggione, but many of those who, quietly working for the party. A party that, if there is - and there - is because it lacks facilities, not people. The people there, and you see that works, and works hard most of the Jehovah's Witnesses.
The debacle, however, is for both parties, of rubber: Pdl and Pd (with the exception of the heroic and ZappalĂ M. Messina). The majority and the opposition, in one of those "civilized countries" as mentioned in the speeches of the intelligentsia parading in sackcloth cashmere, can not be vanishing in a major city in the nation. Because, otherwise, this can mean two things: either there are no parties, or do not consider important to the city. I do not know whichever is the greater. Let us save face, and formulate a third option. A hypothesis that is not so farfetched: it seems that both (also winning) with which Nicki Vendola is depopulated on the left. That is, in fact, the governor of Puglia? Neither more nor less than what he did Silvio Berlusconi: telling stories. Not stories - be careful! This fable tells of Berlusconi that idiocy is typical of the failure of the left, which can not help but deal with the conscience of others. At the time of the PCI and Togliatti accounts were made with much acumen. The Best was the first in full Stalinist Russia, to admit that fascism was something deeper than a irrational, trivial regurgitation of the bourgeoisie. A party that breaks is a party that knows how to interpret the history of his people really know what his people (because the propaganda does not suit the people, pace of those who, left and right, believes otherwise, but the image that people have the power that commands them - which is something very different!) and, consequently, have to know where to lead. In the story there is already a good part of our destiny.
This Vendola will fail - because it knows (which now eludes Berlusconi) is what our people today, but he lacks, for cultural and ideological training, the ability to take him where there is right lead. Vendola there where it wants to lead 'his' personal background makes him lean. Unlike Vendola, however, is that Musumeci Lombardo - neither of them lack the national caliber - both excellent schools from the MSI and the Christian Democrats, they can tell us something. They created, in the Italian people and, more particularly, in Sicily, a different story. Lombardo referring to independence, and Musumeci to the old (and now regretted ever since) 'national right'.
If it seems wasted rhetoric (meaning nice to say, not propaganda) of Musumeci, or recall of parent empowerment Mpa Salvo Di Salvo Sicilian, when it came to discussing the reorganization of divisions, then, dear readers, you're really inguaiati. Because if you're political, you have already lost the next elections. If you are militant, you are rubbing in the party, posing as historical fact the lack of contingent ideas. If you scholars have studied evil. This lady is the political story of ethics.
Hope in mere propaganda and the grim utilitarianism is like sleeping on a powder keg.
Published on February 15, 2011 www.cataniapolitica.it
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