Antonio G. Fish- When we speak of St. Agatha, ever forget the look layman - there is one fact - the cult of St. Agatha. The issue of secularism, an issue not much in vogue a few decades ago, leads us to forget, or to characterize in a negative way, an important aspect of figure of the saint of Catania: namely that, in addition to "witness" of faith in Christ, Agatha, Lucia as Syracuse, was the town of Catania.
If, then, it takes both the shape of beautiful young Christian martyr, so it is difficult to recall mayors and politicians who, despite personal moral unworthiness (which we discovered today as unworthy to be a man of ideas and the values \u200b\u200bthat it offers) or yours (and public) believe secularists, have also deserted the festivities, and if so, we said, we are keen to Agata, then you could also offer some reason the "civilized" because his name not be dishonored by that of his city.
Moreover, the social dimension of Christianity is obvious. Not in the sense that church and state or to be the same thing, but that the religion of Christ has a political dimension, but only symbolic. The young believer Agata showed (it was a "martyr"), belonging to an ecclesia (literally "assembly"), and his actions by believing they had social effects (ie affecting the other - the last era ol'imperatore Catania of Rome).
Therefore, at Agata compatriot could offer something more than flowers, candles, sausages and sweets. More. Maybe living in a city more to go more fair.
course, for the community of believers, the highest gift is the Eucharist. But those who continue to think that Catholicism is a serious matter (which address the message as a believer or not), and not an electronic schitarrata on Sunday, know that Jesus of Nazareth - with his body and his blood with that - taught in squares, the streets, the mountains to the crowds that were listening. Churches, finally, to seek in the next: in those who had nothing to eat, who was naked, in those who suffered. Is not this a public dimension irreparably? And when we put to beat his breast, maybe you do not do as well as to accuse me of sin \u0026lt;\u0026lt;in thoughts, words, works>> in \u0026lt;\u0026lt;omissione>>? And what is the omission, if not see Do not resist evil and good? Is it not true, finally, that we do not save yourself?
the ruling class (whatever the belief of the members) are leaving this city to stay. And deliver flowers - some for devotion, civic participation for others - just as the posters are back in fashion, appeals, and the commitment of the signing of the banquets (now the gazebo). Here, then, what we wanted: a manifesto for the city of Agata - for a city that is increasingly castle individualism of those who live. Nothing would be more amazing. The real matter of triumph, fercolo whose morale would have been pulled by strings of those who still hope, and who would be given some other reason to continue to do so.
Yet, none of this has been done. No commitment. No objective. The last bastions that, although shaky, appear to remain standing - are aware of their importance? are prepared to take the honor of responsibility? - Have not yet shown a surge of vitality though so. Politics, culture and faith can not proceed in any order. Of course, there remain (of course, and trouble if it did not) the distinction of roles, but how can we ignore that, without action choral, Catania, few decades from now, will be permanently lost (at least according to the measure in time of a human life) the role of the great southern metropolis that competes? From the Renaissance to the civil
cultural fervor, from the economic prosperity of the social order, attention should be priorities, divide tasks, examples and engage in self-giving sacrifice: you must have one voice, despite the difference of tones, from spreading from the stalls, the chairs, the altars. And sorry that there are not enough factories and shops to ask them the same.
You need an agreement, a joint program - a \u0026lt;\u0026lt;manifesto>> fact - between states general of the city, because it stops being something more than just a dorm with some good service at your fingertips. Catania must aspire to something else!
You must go back to believing, hoping, planning. It is necessary if we are not to lose that heritage, legacy of the fathers, which is still be proud of that \u0026lt;\u0026lt;patria>>. What - do not forget - is that of Agatha, a young man who, at Catania, who saw with eyes of faith, he sacrificed his life.
Published on February 3, 2011 www.cataniapolitica.it
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