Now, however, the reverse is appropriate. There is positioning the strip of departure. Si stanno scaldando i motori. E quando c’è da scendere nell’arena, il politico italiano (quello siculo non è da meno), poco propenso al lavoro che sostenga la famiglia (propria), ma assai zelante in quello per sostenere i famuli vari, non risparmia cure e attenzioni – da schiatto conoscente perfino della propria lingua, diventa un azzeccagarbugli di alta scuola giuridico-politica. Altroché! Del resto, a Roma non ci sono più maggioranze bulgare, avendo Spartaco sollevato i suoi sergenti (i colonnelli sono rimasti fedeli all’Impero), e il vento del Nord sta imponendo nuovi costumi morali – soprattutto castità e moderazione, un cilicio a cui pare l’attuale presidente del consiglio dei ministri is unwilling.
So Stancanelli reshuffle. Given the quality of the first fired, this time there is to believe that the bread that will satiate propinerà not a city tired of fasting, and claiming the right to sit at the table, even if utopian hope for it is well set for supper. And Palermo discuss the election law. That is, in a nutshell, as Convenga get elected in the forthcoming elections, which are believed very forthcoming. It's newspeak: they say politics, but it is survival. Think back to the boredom of work (for those who have it) after just a fortnight's holiday. Do you look for one that is worse after years of "serious commitments for the good of the country?
But there is that between a prostitute and another in the middle of two senior public sermons on morality and the custom post-sessantottino, is also discussing federalism in this country in two-or-more-squares. And this discussion does not feel eco arrive in our shores. Still, it's so important, that this may depend not only the fate of our island, but allow me, even that of our beloved (at least for this writer) nation. Suffice it to say that the finest minds of Made-in-Padania (Bossi, Calderoli Borghezio, etc.) are imposing a federal structure with four levels (because now they all levels of command), with funding, despite that that sell to their constituencies, they will reach the central state, however, the only body authorized to levy a certain relief and concessions.
If holding a set of this type, only one so far in human history, we could build the bridge over the Strait, which is also unique, even the Smurfs. And besides, God forbid that stands - or rather would not pass this way, so that we find ourselves in a couple of years, with the backside to soak in the lagoons civil indifference.
Stancanelli, Castiglione Lombardo and make us know what you think of everything. And, if possible and not too much to ask, let us know also to 'those who duty '. Elections, moreover, there is still time as we know, an army of fifteen thousand politicians - from north to south and at all levels - is moving to pull Italy out of the quagmire of the crisis. Mica for re-grab the coveted velvet armchair. Or not?
Published on January 27, 2011 www.cataniapolitica.it
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