Radicchio Rosso di Treviso Peculiarities of red chicory and varied CASTELFRANCO IGP
Winter Flowers
The radicchio di Treviso and Castelfranco Veneto are the ultimate gift of land, that when you fall asleep in the winter, greenish humility of the field, buried in the same moods of the season in dissolving lymph triumphal swell of giving them a color and a texture unrivaled. Red, the dominant tone of nature is dying, becomes resplendent in golden hues, and stands in its freshness as growing on stems of alabaster, to sing a life that defies the harsh winter and it benefits.
The "red" radicchio, with the whole palette of yellows, the greens, reds, whites, ochres, in the magnificent roses of Castelfranco radicchio, it becomes softer and softer. Strange, but in the radicchio, the soaring Gothic Line, and in Castelfranco, rococo scrolls from the smooth, almost seems to synthesize the ancient Venetian soul, from the ancestral religious observances, from deep moral rigor, hope turned to the heavens, until sensitive to the contemplation of nature, and taste to join peacefully with a simplicity that becomes refined use of the absolute joys it offers wisely and honestly to the senses.
The radicchio is a type of radicchio, leaves distinguishing trait known as "mottled" because of their special features that makes them appear similar in form, the rose, with leaves of cream and sprinkled with red dotted . The taste is very bitter, but gentle at the same time. The ruffle of this type of chicory, has a shape reminiscent of a flower with large leaves and slightly curled.
place on the cultivation of radicchio
Treviso red chicory, depending on the type (early or late) you sow directly to the open field during the period from late June to mid July.
not need to transplant because this affects the quality of the product.
The operation is done by machine rather than by hand, as they used to do when using a drill adapted for this purpose. It usually takes a lot of seed corresponding to 1200 kg. per hectare resulting in thinning completed, an actual investment of 6-7 plants per square meter.
With the seasonal pattern characterized by dry weather and windy, as may occur during that time is needed to repeat some actions of water for 2-3 days in order to promote seed germination.
is followed by respecting the order of priority, the milling and thinning to ensure the plant density required by the type of chicory used.
The collection for the radicchio, which is the most prestigious, begins in mid-November, is done by machine, rarely by hand, without use of a plow moldboard, pulled by a tractor. Proceed continuously, weather permitting, until total depletion of the plants present nell'appezzamento.
followed by the immediate formation of clusters that are placed side to the other huddled in a vertical position on the two grooves and the better placed here, giving enough land to pitons. It is then distributed to their protection from the harsh winter by small tunnels covered with a sheet of plastic is the (PVC or polyethylene).
This is identified with the name "phase preforzatura. In fact, under these tunnels
chicory remains, though slowly, its metabolic activity giving rise to a first draft of bud formation.
In this way the producer has the possibility to graduate the flow of product in the market in relation to the demands and prices charged at that place. In other words it means submitting to "Force-bleaching" (second phase) quantities definitely marketed at remunerative prices, taking into account the availability of family labor.
During the forced-whitening you transfer tunnels from small clusters (being forced) to be placed in special concrete tanks properly covered with a sheet of plastic draped over wooden arches or iron to form a tunnel of medium size. At the bottom of these tanks do not put them there sand sawdust, but you do it to run non-stop water from aquifers more or less deep (no more than 200 m).
special feature of this water is to have a constant temperature of 12 ° C which allows the regular formation of the shoot of radish which assumes the typical aspect with regard to consistency, the color of the leaf blade, the pure white of the Central Coast and the special and unique flavor of the ancient tradition of Treviso.
In these tanks remains for a period of 12 days or so at first, then the forcing occurs within 8-10 days, because in the meantime, the clumps are progressing in the development of tunnels beneath the small parking lot mentioned above (phase preforzatura) with the formation of numerous adventitious roots called "beards" through which the plant continues to maintain its vital functions in favor of the formation of the head.
After the time in forcing boxes, bundles of radicchio are placed in a special heated room temperature constant (20 ° C with relative humidity very high), where they stay for 2-3 days.
order will still use the stables or other specially equipped premises on the floor of which is spread a thin layer (2-3 cm.) Sand or sawdust to dry with the precise function of the tap-roots absorb the water.
this constitutes the third phase known as "finishing" as the heads of chicory come fully matured compared assuming the classical (morphological and color) that characterizes them.
Once the operation "finishing" it shall slegatura decks and the grooming of plants taking out all the leaves External more or less broken; to debarking, shaped and cut the root that must be shortened to a maximum of one third of the entire length of the head.
It then prepares a container (wooden or plastic tub) filled with fresh water for a quick wash in the plants before they are packed with due care in stackable boxes for their commencement to the wholesale markets to reach through various distribution channels, the consumer.
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