The sixteenth edition of the Festival of the Tree of Legambiente: all weekend for school children, citizens and the government will create a series of initiatives throughout Italy dedicated to planting of trees, to make the places we live in the most beautiful, green and breathable. Concrete action to combat climate change and prevention of hydrogeological, but also an opportunity to focus attention on the green plays in maintaining the environmental balance of the planet. At the weekend dedicated to the Feast of the tree Legambiente alongside the classic themes of respect for the green and pollution control, commitment to the conservation of habitat and ecosystem, in line with the proclaimed International Year of Biodiversity UN. "Italy is the country with the highest level of biodiversity in Europe and preserve this wealth is our prime duty, "said Vittorio Cogliati Dezza, president of Legambiente." This is a huge natural heritage capital of inestimable value for all of us greater biodiversity will strengthen the defenses against external aggression, are those posed by climate change or landslides, the introduction of genetically modified organisms or the activity of deforestation. More biodiversity will, ultimately, better quality of life for those living today and an area for future generations that will do it tomorrow. "
Biodiversity is also the central theme of the poetry competition for children of this issue. After the success of last year, in fact, Legambiente and Susanna Tamaro, spokesperson of the initiative, propose the contest "Biodi" race rhyming verses for children aged 7 to 13 years and, in collaboration with the publisher Giunti, animated reading of the book "The magic circle" that says the risk of loss of trees and extinction of flora and fauna. (
In addition, for the fourth consecutive year Anve, the Exporters Association of Nurserymen, and renew the mutual Legambiente commitment to reducing the greenhouse effect with the operation "of one million trees for the climate" for at least five years nurseries dell'Anve keep planting a million shrubs that contribute significantly to carbon sequestration in excess. "This is the fourth year Anve fully supports the organization of the Festival of the Tree of Legambiente - said Maurizio Lapps, president of Anve - maintaining a significant amount of planting trees to give a tangible sign of the struggle that the nursery can carry forward against climate change. The enthusiasm with which the nurserymen Anve participated in this initiative demonstrates that the world of professional interest Green has the attention of all to urban pollution and greenhouse gas emissions reduction commitments that States must undertake. Representing an important sector of Italian agriculture, the nursery it is for the difficult task of describing the lines of sustainable development, capable of intercepting new applications for an increasingly difficult market. "Initiatives that are taking place from north to south in days of 19, 20 and 21 are many and the creation of new green areas, in addition to redevelop the area will help to convey important messages. Among the technical partners of the initiative, says the Fiskars Tree Day by providing products gardening that will facilitate the operations of planting. The holiday tree is sponsored by State Forestry. (AISE)
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