Thursday, December 9, 2010

Heartburn And Ice Cream

Maxi-truffle auctioned for 330mila U.S. dollar weighed 900 grams. The tycoon Stanley Ho Chinese character for the third time the TCI

ROME - The Chinese billionaire Stanley Ho and 'starred for the third consecutive international auction of the truffle Italian won $ 330,000 for the truffle season record of 900 grams found in Palaia (Pisa).
The auction, designed with purpose 'charities by Giselle Oberti, and' was defeated at the same time, in a satellite link, in Rome, at the restaurant La Pergola pluristellato chef Heinz Beck, Macao and London. Were collected around $ 440,000 donated to various charities.
''The offer of $ 330,000 for the maxi-truffle from 900 grams (combined with another piece of 350 grams offered by Victor Palombo Molise) - explains Giselle Oberti - equals the record number, paid in 2007 by billionaire ever to take home a Chinese truffle guinness from a pound and a half that was was also found in the soils of Palaia by Cristiano Savini.
Massimo Giletti, who has lived for the second time the emotion of the auctioneer, it looks like this''and 'made in Italy that works. Focus on quality 'and' winning a challenge for our country.'' Italian entrepreneurs Henry and Robert Baratta Soldera have tried to counter the raises until the last Chinese. Baratta has offered up to $ 280,000. In total were auctioned 6 pounds and 360 grams of truffles from Tuscany, Marche, Umbria and Abruzzo said of the auction in order to enhance all areas of Italian truffle. This year
'''was the best season for white truffles since 2002 - said Moreno Moroni, president of the truffle Valli Aretino who won one of the lots - particularly the cold of November has lead to a quality' excellent ' '


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