ROME \\ aise \\ - "The usual mess" Italian. "The exceptions were intended to address and resolve definitively the problem, which is known, the concentration of certain pollutants in the water distributed in some regions and instead have become yet another ploy not to intervene. Luckily we thought Europe to stop the perpetration of a practice detrimental to public health. Now the municipalities involved to do what they have already had to do immediately after requesting the exemption, namely, informing the public and put under the aqueducts. But do not generalize, 59 million Italians have no problem with arsenic in drinking water and tap water can count on guaranteed quality and controlled. "So the scientist in charge of Legambiente Ciafani Stefano commented on the decision of the Commission European Union not to provide a third exception to Italian municipalities where drinking water contains arsenic concentrations far above the limit Law (10 micrograms per liter). The environmental organization in a document takes stock of the situation on waivers and possible solutions, pointing out that out of 157 municipalities that had applied for three parameters (boron, fluoride and arsenic), 128 have not obtained because they sull'arsenico asked to increase its concentration in water determined by the value of 10 micrograms per liter to 30, 40 or 50 micrograms per liter and was granted up to a maximum of two years to 92 municipalities for the fluoride to 17 for boron and 8 for arsenic, but only up to 20 micrograms, according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO). "To be within the limits - added Ciafani - simply proceed to operative treatment in a few months, as has already happened in different parts of Italy. In fact, in 2003, requests for exemption were made by 13 regions out of 10 parameters and in February 2010, the renewal request submitted by Italy was limited to six regions (Campania, Lazio, Lombardy, Tuscany, Trentino Alto Adige, Umbria) for three parameters. So - concludes Ciafani - the reduction of demands, both in terms of territories that the parameters involved shows that, with appropriate investment, you can get out of the exemption by ensuring that people drinking water in compliance with the law. "Legambiente remember that municipalities that have received the exemption should come into compliance within the next 10 months and particularly in areas where there will be presentations has been renewed for more than 175 million €, aimed to reduce the concentrations of arsenic, fluoride and boron in the waters and thus avoid having to resort to new exceptions. The project involves the construction of new water systems or for the supply of water from sources that have concentration values \u200b\u200blower than those of substances regulated by law, or the realization of treatment systems and water mixing. The exemptions are valid for three years which can be renewed for up to two more times. The first two exceptions are decided by the Ministry of Health while the third should have the green light by the European Commission.
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