I do not want to address issues in the circuit SG (Security Group) is looking far and wide.
From one point of view I would like to reconnect with the insights of my friend Gordon, a "resume" the thread.
cassandra I did in very difficult times and with no pleasure that I note the time that I had planned for year end-2011 were much closer.
certainly assure you that in this time try to be more present in the blog to try to share with the greatest possible number of anchor points, so that we find a way to go through this storm with the right knowledge.
Unfortunately I'm not offering a great service with answers to personal email. I often giunngono mail that stimulate me to address issues that often is a must do in the public arena. I will try, however, did not leave the message without even the slightest response to factors of fairness.
I'm spending more time in these stormy days to monitor the emotional common forum and chat up some Italian. Personally
I am avoiding the international ones because of little interest from the point of view of socio-cultural context.
The common line is of great discouragement.
The month of January, February and March of this part are located in many PICKAXE solid certainties of HYIP-er.
I believe that when the emotions supersedes the strategy, many pains appressanno and sharpening their weapons to make us very badly.
I'm not going to put one behind the other possible errors many of us or any of us.
Perhaps this is the point, now, more clear of what.
The question I am putting many parties, but the HYIP will have a sense from now on?
There is some form of credibility in this area after several-year program (probably the best advertising of the HYIP could do for themselves) as a Stable Interest, Nanomoney, Investment Forge, Forex Macro, GNI, and perhaps Genius Funds are in one way or another shipwrecked, transcends dreams with you, money and love?
The question many are asking is: What do we do now?
I read about people who have invested thousands of euro that have now evaporated. I read of people angry with the promoter shift that would guarantee investment security.
But beyond this, I read and hear, a little more seasoned players who think spending time on the actual validity of the HYIP ......
What I think is that a disenchanted un'introversione whole situation is preferable to complete the matter.
We come from a world where almost everyone (when it's okay) banquet with the crumbs left by a deep economic and financial system sick and insane.
Set aside some money for our needs is a huge difficulty.
People use, desire, longing and fighting for this thing called money ...
Get satisfactory gains is hard and requires effort, sweat and commitment.
Then there are the HYIP, pantomime and caricature of the muffled world of investment prohibited where access is allowed only to the privileged.
Near us the opportunity to play pretend to be a Scrooge McDuck who invest here and there, in order to scrape together as soon as possible the maximum amount of money.
1, 2, and 3 percent more per day. How you can manage this mad bull?
The HYIP, now we all understand, I am a savage mechanism of redistribution of wealth. I still say a lot serenity that are equal to other mechanisms of redistribution of wealth without actual real output (zero-sum game in the paradigm of game theory economist Nash).
Just as every week he was "drained" hundreds of millions of euro from the pockets of Italians making all poorer for making a few richer, so do the HYIP.
Except that the rules are not written and never what you see.
When in May 2009, The Stoic scam, I began to understand the bad habit. Honestly, until then I thought that some HYIP some form of investment did well. The organization announced the Stoic a Congress in which he reports to investors. It was all a farce, even if the site showed photos and phone numbers of hotels of the future convention. But there were
tirno, VanFunds and this stuff here.
Honestly at least a low return programs I thought were a little more secure and stable. I, for one, I let myself be dazzled by the efficiency and organization of VanFunds and have put their trust in it.
But, fortunately, a hundred scam behind it taught me something.
The first is to follow the golden rules of HYIP investments. The
illustrate quickly here and I will return very soon to develop them.
1) Do not be greedy or thinking to solve its financial problems with the high-risk investments.
2) Create a proper administration of its investment project.
3) Contact with other investors to share experiences and knowledge.
4) Click the check-up of the site and check the back-office support.
5) Invest only money that you can afford to lose.
6) Investing in more programs.
7) Diversify the types of investment.
8) To re-enter as soon as possible in possession of the investment and not using coumponding (automatic re-investment).
9) Make a continuous feedback or investment.
10 ) be guided by a strategy for avoiding the temptations of the market or the sudden offer of overtime investment plans.
The second thing I learned is to get me to drive the mechanism of "more 'inside and out!" guess that does not count all investments but hit the most, not counting money from all programs but who have more cash losses.
This principle I have outlined in other posts but I need for Christmas. I'll do it in the next post.
In the meantime, I leave you a short survey.
Thanks for your attention.
Per aspera ad astra!
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