Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Gets Her Nipples Pierced

PIU 'inside and out!: Green and red zone.

The foundation of my whole strategy is to try to have more programs in potential profit loss.
And who does not espouse this point of view, you ask ......

But I met a lot of people who do not follow this strategy.
Let's see:

Start with a large and varied product portfolio. Inside we put programs
young, middle and senior citizens. That is promising programs (using the web and the forum) a few months, programs DI8-15 months and older programs. Now the problem many programs to find more than one year does not arise because the veterans programs are disappearing, however .....
then choose programs to 150 days, 100 days programs, programs and programs to 30-50 days to 10 days or less.
We put almost all programs and return to medium (about 1% per day is fine) and some program sborore by 2% per day. Higher returns (unless they are included capital are to be avoided!). Finally
also choose a program that returns principal + interest together.

After that, I KNOW that if I start today with this portfolio, in a normal market hyip, I will take at least 4 months (5) to fit on investment. And this is always to avoid re-invest that money. At the beginning you should not do.


At this point I choose to invest capital.
The choice should be based on my income and my ordinary income. If you earn 1000 per month and in 2000 I reserve bank seems to me obvious that common sense suggests not to invest more than € 200-300. If, however, gain
€ 2500 per month and I have 20,000 in the bank, I dare (it's always subjective) an investment of € 2000-3000. There are no rules.

also determined that my budget is 5000 € (or about $ 6,500) does not mean that this money should be fired in as of Embla.
Many programs have low income thresholds.
say that a good compromise, especially for the first departure, may be to invest more than $ 50-100 on each program. Even so, with 15-20 programs we would have $ 1500-2000 to start.
There will be programs on which it is better to invest $ 20 and programs on which to 50. Some deserve more.

BUT REMEMBER: It is not easy to discover in advance what will be the long-lived programs.
In January I invested one of 15 new programs. And who is resisting and paying for 3 months are not exactly what I thought would be resisted. Indeed, in a couple of cases I was pretty sure that would close shortly thereafter. While others, Euro FX, FXstar to name just two, I have blatantly denied.
why must still be balanced.

Once started, ever taken! And in any case, wait more than a week to pick up. If you can do it every day. Why the day after the program there may be!

Keep a good revenue management.
Gradually you will see (at the beginning it takes a lot of patience) slowly money back.
NOT re-invest the amount of money. Do not let greed ride. Before leaving, we set a budget and a policy: we respect it!
Obviously there will be programs that are closing their investment period.
re-invest the original capital and only withdraw the interest.
For programs that pay around 25% per month it takes about four months to break even.
As a program for which you have invested you approach the recovery of shares exceeding 66% of initial capital ($ 20 investment, interest picked up $ 13.5 or so!) You may consider the idea of add capital. E ' paying a premium for the program.
but be careful, there must be something indiscriminate.
If the program has paid $ 13.5 to $ 20, add $ 10 if the program permits. If the program requires $ 20 to wait a little. Maybe $ 17-18 to the interests of retired you can begin to add another $ 20.
At this point the program will have a higher amount as the total capital that will produce more interest and you will reach a new point of re-investment more quickly.

Meanwhile some programs scam. But when they do not make you lose that much. And the interest earned will be higher than those lost.

It 'makes sense that if we throw in a program (as I have seen it done) 3000 $ and this makes you close a hole that it takes months to recover. And if that hole in it a continuation of another ..........

The aim, every month, have more interest losses. Do not take everything.

Ultimately every month, with a prudent attitude and cold can easily reach the total percentage of actual earnings between 10 and 20%.
But even if only 5% of you realize? We speak more than one bank from each year?

The reality is that we have also consider that we could do even 1% per month or even a few months to go downstairs.
you are investing in this stock is ready for anything.
's ready to know that the bag has moments BEAR and BULL moments, moments of wheelies and scary descents. At the end of a
sums up.

Of course I know: a job is a bit of precision, where you have put a bit of time and effort.

We all wanted the tree of gold coins 5 coins and when we do nothing we find after a night 10.
a friend two years ago I submitted a statement 4-ENNAL Development of an investment with Finanzas Forex. Yields approximately 10% per month.
starts with 100 $ and if re-invested each month, after four years you had a capital of several million euro.
laughed because it was clear what was the trick. And I laughed because he could not see clearly.
No mathematical trick. The calculation of geometric progress was good.
But who ensured that FFX was there after 4 years?
the end did not last a year. So if
Nanomoney (takes one) paid 6% weekly. Who told us that he would continue to do so during natual life?
Nanomoney I started in January 10, 2009.
I will not tell you what were my choices in a timely manner. Gosh some privacy.
But know that I started with $ 20. A $ 1.2 per week. After 3 months (always re-investing $ 20) had earned $ 14.4. Invest an additional $ 20. Because if at that point I closed Nano only lost $ 20 +5.6 U.S. dollars = $ 25.6 rischiabile a figure after all.
But at that point, however, grossed $ 2.4 per week. This time I waited 2 months. At that point I had pocketed 14.4 +9.6 +9.6 U.S. dollars = $ 33.6.
decided (after 5 months) I could take more risks and invested another $ 20 but no npiĆ¹ $ 40.
At that point I had invested in capital 40 +40 = $ 80. If the program scam, I lost about $ 46 = 80 to 33.6, a figure in any event bear. But now made almost $ 5 a week.
After a month my income was 33 +20 = $ 53. Then I invested another $ 40

Then at 6 months, the summary of the situation was: $ 120 invested for a return next week of $ 7.2, $ 29 per month and a gain of $ 53 in his pocket .
But after six months I felt I could take more risks.
Because I was active on many programs and had already recovered what is put in the HYIP.
So I added more digits, increasing to 50 and then $ 100.

It 'obvious that the sum of the returns of many programs could go a little further.
And with the plan within 30 days, it is easy to see that it was enough just to return the blow of a few hundred dollars to go into profit.
And let the remaining capital to produce profits at the close of the program.

course does not mean that a program should start with $ 20.
You can start with 50, 100 or $ 500 if the portfolio is well balanced.

The fact is that after June 2009, I had a package of programs that are active and invested so that the capital had never deposited more than what I had already retired.
My reasoning was that if the program scam the next day, I would be in surplus of $ 1. I do not know if it makes the idea!

So my target was to bring in the green zone (greater withdrawals of capital invested) a greater number of possible programs week after week.
And I took the first two programs in the green zone, then 4, then 7 and so on.
Those who scam were replaced.
So there were those who had made little or were in the green zone.
Nanomoney So, GNI, Stable, Investment Forge and all the great ones were gone for myself in the green zone.
How did I do?
I never let greed rule.
I knew that was scheduled today and tomorrow there might not be.
Even when everyone would sell his mother to the devil on that program.

I hope that these lines have been useful, at least as food for thought.
Per aspera ad astra!


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