Thursday, March 25, 2010

Does Rat Pee Smell Like Cat Pee

What are HYIP?

This post has been updated to September 2010.

What is a HYIP?
originally was going to Hyip High Yield Investment Program or High Yield Investment Programs. It is a name that was assigned to joint investment fund to which a person could participate and invest in specific sectors of the economy and financial giving rise to very high returns that are to be divided among all participants according to altitude.
The HYIP existed for many years.
In years past were relegated to being the forms of investment niche reserved only for investors with a significant capital investment. The sums of € 100,000 or the like.
It is easy to understand, it is obvious that these investment programs are not dedicated to those who have a weak heart or those who think of putting money in piggy bank.
Just take a look, for example on stock market transactions to realize that there are financial transactions that allow earnings fearful. But at the same time, include the risk of loss not only of potential interest that can be generated but also on investment.
With the advent of the internet, someone thought that these high-risk investment programs could be placed in the general public. Especially because some operations are handled in nations that allow favorable taxation, or allowing your type of operation that other party would not be possible.
Not to mention the criminal operations of financial transactions, some strong interests in certain countries have the convenience to boycott.
Hyip This is how the Internet.
Or better come a lot of sites that are proposed to be the portal of access and communication between the micro-investor and the sector, the first foreclosed, high yield investment potential.
As detailed later, it is clear that many individuals or more or less organized groups seeking to jump on the bandwagon with this new on the market, and set up Internet sites that are not real but only HYIP programs based on a pyramid Ponzi schemes in which the latest pay interest to early investors.
It 'very useful to remember that, right now, the word does not indicate the most HYIP programs and real investment but ONLY ONLY sites that pr clothes line to be.
Then talk about HYIP does not relate to society and even for investment projects but ONLY to web sites, compared with a deposit of money, promised returns of various kinds and in various forms.
The promise Hyip 2-digit monthly gains. The promise but, as we shall see later, one of the first rules of HYIP world (that of the investment site online) is that there is no rule.

The Hyip safe?

person making this claim did not understand the explanation of what are the HYIP. And you'd better re-read the first definition in the bottom of this FAQ. HYIP's are currently only Internet sites that claim to make investments (of various kinds or nature).
They are absolutely unsafe by definition.
they would not even if they were real investment, let alone in the particular case in which, for the vast majority are not.

The Hyip, therefore, are a scam?

In principle the answer is yes. That is, as he remembered the first rule of HYIP, there is no rule. The HYIP
operate in an unregulated limbo consisting of the entire global web and have no national boundaries. This implies that there is no chance to protect themselves in case of fraud. Probably
projects high-performance private-exist and maybe someone refers to those using the term HYIP. But remember that now, in the common lexicon, the word is to designate (as noted) simply websites that offer returns compared to investments. These
for almost all pyramid schemes are no investment whatsoever. It is not possible to determine the percentage of HYIP scam but if we operate with the idea that all they are, we get a good base of operations.
HYIP programs lie about almost anything. Publish inventing names and bogus addresses. Record companies in offshore countries that are just empty boxes. Or rent offices that close, where appropriate, in one night.
Even the most realistic, where do you require documents and sign contracts, they are known on the Internet are 99% mapped on the mechanism of the scam.

Hyip But with the money you earn?
For as the answer to this question may seem to contradict the previous answer, it is unequivocally YES.
The second rule of HYIP world is: if you think that HYIP's are not real but only the financial investment scams, then you can earn. If you think that's true or HYIP investments are investment companies, then you will lose your money.

The Hyip reliable?

Hyip's not reliable. In fact a good rule is to never believe what he says and says a HYIP.

How can you earn from Hyip if these are scams?
The Hyip is a potential loss of money because they are not what they say they are.
If you are familiar with the HYIP world, we will begin to know the laws (not written or exposed) that govern its operation.
At that point you can exploit the potential of the system to their advantage. This always involves risk, of course, but the magnitude of these risks is determined by how we intend to play this particular game.

E 'permitted to invest in HYIP?
This question is particularly complex because the whole world wonder how many years should be legally classified the entire internet world.
Internet has disintegrated some legal and regulatory systems that dated back to the old Roman law.
have created new situations and unimaginable 20 years ago is in fact by challenging the legal scholars to find a new balance that a right balance between the rights of freedom and the right of anyone in protecting their interests by ' From another point of view
simple, no one can prevent an Internet user to go to a site and deposit of the money. Neither can see why this right should be removed, being a complete freedom from the user.
On the other hand, the HYIP will provide the market with a blatant lie that they have the funds or investment programs. The HYIP therefore do not have the permission to offer this kind of products they intend to apply because neither, in fact, do not offer them.
In many countries it is illegal to operate as a HYIP. In Italy it is not. That is a HYIP, in Italy, can not refer to public solicitations of public savings presenting investment plans.
a HYIP, conversely, could act as a pure game and, in fact, fall into another category.
So there is no single answer to the question. Certainly there are
laws or regulations to punish the fact to deposit their money in HYIP.

E 'ethical earn from HYIP?
In this easy to answer. But I'll do it with another question. E 'ethical gain from the stock market or currency transactions? Hyip that are pyramid schemes, or real investments not matter. In any case, the money you are paying by money lost by someone else. As the stock market or the forex.
may apply if the entire global financial system is ethical.
's your answer.

These are the first responses on the HYIP.
The entire blog seeks to offer other responses.
to you, happy reading
Per aspera ad astra!


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