present councilmen. And just on time. A lament the delay in start of work - on time late - Manlio Messina (PDL), and shortly after Francesca Raciti (Pd), both bothered to wait an hour - a true - before work could begin.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;remember that Article to the lords and gentlemen. 13 municipal statute - the adviser said PDL - provides that the session be opened per hour of calling, and that the quorum be verified at the time>>, apologizing, however, the chairman of the board, because previously engaged in formal meetings.
And yes there was to be discussed, as well as vote. Puccio Squad (FLI) has questioned the council on non-payment of salaries of city employees. What condition will pay cash to the Palace of the Elephants? In response, the assessor Bonaccorsi said that the problem is due to the lack of government transfers (the last installment of 2010 and before 2011), but he does not expect more than the appropriations (which the Administration has received guarantees on the speed of them). Maybe in a week could make payment.
Alessandro and Porto Anthony Bonica (both MPA) have raised issues regarding the livability of Catania, from squares non-supervised cease to be a meeting place for gangs of young thugs, intent to disturb the elderly and children, a road of Via Manzoni now reduced to a sieve (the poor advisor Bonica has hinted that he tried to give her what it means moving along the way).
Whether we live in a city and a poor little bit of money 'patched, this is known. But it is nice to be even touched by the doubt that our Catania is shamefully unjust also. It will be so? Well, the Early Gemma (LaDestra-Alleanza Siciliana) and party colleague Manfred Zammit they put the flea in the ear. The first asked Administration - and it seemed a rhetorical question - what are the selection criteria for recruiting the participation of the municipality, having been unable to find cases of beneficiaries who have not yet been answered. The second, however, played on irony, dealing with different types of disabilities in Catania. There would, according to Zammit, who, even with appropriate certification by ASL, may enter with their cars to the city cemetery to visit the dear departed only in newspapers on weekdays, and who, having specific grant from the Mayor councilor or the competent authority, may do so on Sundays. Or rather, those who lack the latter (and much field) could not pass it, you buy a skill that inexplicably, on the other days, has not been certified. If it were not for the official declaration, it extends to believe in such squalor.
It is not the only deficiency of the administration, according to Zammit. There is also a disincentive to trade, what else would, in fact, to have hung with blue stripes and the city center, when the major shopping centers can take advantage of extensive (and free) parking? It was this, only the overture. From there, a few dozen minutes, he spoke the parent Nello Musumeci, declaring will not participate in the inauguration of the next store IKEA. Also said the prime minister, Consoli.
Today we resume work. We hope to be a sitting a bit 'more fruitful.
Posted on 8 March 2011 on www.cataniapolitica.it
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