Sunday, March 6, 2011

Best Cuurency To Invest In

LEGALAND, Veneto Infelix crisis

Antonio G. Fish- The last race I wonder if there was. Then the train stopped, and we to tell us the story of his journey. Canetti and Milanesi, investigative journalists known to readers of the Manifesto, \u0026lt;\u0026lt;Not looking face nessuno>>, even the left and his sins (as he writes in the preface Massimo Carlotto), lead us on the track where the locomotive is parked d ' Italy, silent no more puffs of the past will be given to the delightful future.

discover that the Venetians, after all, largely, they are still waiting for the transition, ignoring that the race has been deleted. Unaware like all Italians, because like most other Italian than they are willing to admit. Campagnoli when the Italians were eating bread and chicory, industrial land was sold off when the illusion of wealth. And what remains? Spritz and coca. And the grandchildren migrants such as grandparents. Yesterday because there was no money, now it is something only the facade remained.

Legaland. Myths and realities of the north east (manifestolibri, 2010, pp.174, € 18.00), play with language, shaping the metaphors he needs to tell the drama of a people who are looking to itself (and all too) ends lost. It is 29 March 2010: Luca Zaia, the Northern League, is chairman of the region. The unfinished war machine valley swept away opponents and even allies, in a crescendo of excitement election, or in small towns of Vicenza reaches Bulgarian proportions. The carroccio enter victorious in deserted factories, on farms empty.

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Vene-tilt is a giant hologram - Canetti and writing Milan - architect on the foundations of dung. Sorry to inform professional career. Encasing the heart to awaken the army of entrepreneurs without quality. Perhaps, it will be politically incorrect. Maybe not elegant biting the hand of Lions, Rotary, freemasonries provincial charities and cliques. But the emperor is naked, again, in these lands where he pretends to live in New York as long as you kill Timisoara>> (p. 22).

naked again, as it once was. The association of industrial society riddled with service, with the contractor to close shop, and pushing his son to take the street in Milan, if not abroad. \u0026lt;\u0026lt;This Suburbs was that made her beautiful carousel ride in the ricchezza>> says the nephew who went away with the cardboard suitcase.

Yet, the symptoms were clear as early as 2007, when lending to companies were rising 11% collapse of the savings of households, and the economy was all brick mortgage. Under these trivial notes on the economy, the Reserve Bank of Italy (mica by a loggia secret), she covered the true face of Vat: truck drivers, artisans, working in layers of sub-contracting, niche merchants, scavengers of waste , and \u0026lt;\u0026lt;coltivatori contributions from real estate agents europei, dealers simboli, code>> (p. 59). The Alpi Eagles in bankruptcy, and Padua that the health care field. Then in 2008, the derailment of the locomotive. In Padua, a quarter of the funding becomes attachment. In Treviso, a craftsman in four revoke the trust, and Venice lost jobs galore. Reading, it turns out to Hasan, 25 years, Moroccan and no high-ranking Egyptian uncle, \u0026lt;\u0026lt;schiava of monnezza>>, or that evening - May 7, 2010 - when Confartigianato Treviso meets the Guardia di Finanza and the truth at work \u0026lt;\u0026lt;nero>>.

this is a book of biographies, biography and reconstruct the biography of a myth that is decomposing. It can confuse the reader the dance theme, with paragraphs describing the collapse of the economy and other disheartened that the buzz and the moral disarray of a generation that grew up with the model of easy money (after the previous one had gone out of honest work). Canetta and Milan do not suggest a common thread. Derives moral or economic failure? Choose the player. The facts are these: welfare is gone, and well-being had sacrificed everything. Not only the land, a sea of \u200b\u200babandoned warehouses. Even the soul. I had already understood that Wednesday, March 17, 2004, when the center of toxicology and doping del'Istituto of Forensic Medicine of the University of Padova disappeared (in order) 49 kilograms of heroin, cocaine and nearly 6 2 of hashish. A track that white marks, finally, red. You can tell by the growing number of Tso - mandatory medical treatment, 400 per year.

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Is the mayo eradicated from the identity of a society gone mad. Or drunk with wealth in the sense of empty glass. Sometimes, only weakness and inability to prove always strong, powerful and successful. In other words, the Veneto, which has become ill because there's an altar call on mother earth to hope for>>.

turboefficientista Under the ashes of combustion, however, still lies the old and regret Veneto. Who does not think secession coup, but the voluntary charitable. And that does not go to \u0026lt;\u0026lt;caccia>> Gypsy and southerners, but the best experiences themselves at school, in rings. Or fill a sports arena to be revealed yet (as always) attached. This, finally, the true identity of the Venetians, the value added to an Italy that is missing more and more equal, because more and more false.

Published on March 4, 2011


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