Monday, November 15, 2010

Homemade Boxing Gloves

of the status of classification and temperature of the market situation Hyip

Hi, after about a month, I think it is mandatory to post an article by some of the situation.

First we say that the thermometer is decidedly lukewarm.
Surely it is also a personal matter.
In this calendar year, I directed my attention to the development of new interests which have, in some ways, stole the scene and the scenario space Hyip. So even in a context of general revival of interest in respect of this particular online game, I would be less sensitive to perceive nuances of collective attitude.
But here we do not speak some of the nuances of a general disappointment that is still far from being digested. About why and wherefore of this issue we posted a long time and there is no need to continue to discern the issue.
I just say that my personal thermometer is warm. In recent weeks I have seen the HYIP world looking for new foals to race. I wrote to various people that I feel from time to exchange ideas, information and feelings.
As mentioned, all very warm. We would like to return but still is likely soon.
Keep in mind, it is very important to remember, that in times like this you can guess those choices that will build a future worthy of being named portfolio HYIP warrior. That is during periods of low market where it is easier to find programs that resist.
Why? A
HYIP program is 99.99% for a program based on a pyramid scheme. That there is no real investment. Of course this does not differ much from many forms of investment, let's say, official. Also we talked about this a long time. And who wants to feel she can still post a few requests.
back to us, in a time of low administrators of a program have a slow influx of new investors. This influx is slow and more careful. People are hesitant and suspicious. If the thermometer around is "lukewarm" Most people invest a lot lower. So managers must keep alive the program longer to achieve the goal that had acceptable levels of income or place. It 'true that a program that does not close because it is claimed can not pay and after some time it turns around and there is word of mouth.
Then there are the two extremes of the scale in which the program closes because it has too few investments and thus can not even pay or has a lot of investment and then have the convenience to close its doors and escape with the cash.
In between there are all those situations where a program has sufficient funds to pay for incoming investors, has a gradual increase of the same but not so dramatic as to be a close call cabin. These are the honest and healthy Hyip, the definition is grotesque, in which administrators must sudarsi their earnings.

As usual in all 3 cases, Hyip (which acts as a bank) will win anyway. The bank always wins. As in the lottery, in which the Italian state will still put into the seat of the Italians themselves.
But in the latter case, ie if a HYIP with slow growth and regular, there is an opportunity for investors fiction smarter and with strategy of bringing home a satisfactory or better.
And this, in this blog, we talk for over a year and a half.

Someone asks: "How do you tell when a Hyip's slow growth and regular?" Well, gentlemen, this is the question of questions. The program pays its ranking on Alexa increases, but no explosions on the forums if they speak well and monitor it sponsors, but in a way not pumped.
When I get spam mail that I speak well of a program, are always suspicious. In general appearance some time to try to avoid that the program is a Hyip to "rapid fire". A program in which practically nobody can win tough because not even have time to achieve parity between the Incas and deposits.
How long is this time you can tell with a simple mathematical operation. 100 is divided by the percentage by which daily scheduled pay days and you get the draw. A program that pays 2% per day, has a breakeven point to the 50 th working day. Or the tenth week, since almost all pay 5 days over 7.
Let's say a program to "fast flame" is less than 5-6 weeks. After that date, there is always the possibility that the program closes but at least we would have avoided investing in the worst.
Then, as all rules, there are exceptions. My dissertation is a general.

Coming to our list, we give the final farewell to the last old HYIP in the chat, one of those belonging to the First Republic, so to speak. I'm talking about WbWso that does not pay for several weeks. What definitely unusual and a messenger of serious problems, because not even respond to support.
I waited a few more days but now it is final. WbWso is scam.
In its place rises the battleship Cherry Shares, a bad name for a Hyip yet impeccable behavior so far. In view Hyip, real security.

In second place was a program that is giving me great satisfaction. I pay since June and has eclipsed the breakeven point. When will this last? Who knows? It 'opened by the end of April and could really reach the threshold of 8 months and maybe year.
Shortly after 2 programs on which I trust a lot and just waiting for them to pay a little for them to climb in the standings. I speak of Flame and SwProfits. Charged in July. And most importantly, Sw Profits is convenient because it also returns the capital every day. This is what I prefer, because if the program closes, at least do less harm.
5th place salt and a good out-sider that Macro Trade.
6th place there is always the payer but not particularly famous Private FX Club Hyip This says to use robots to invest in Forex. Certainly pays very little money and credit every 15 days. What is somewhat unusual for a Hyip and outside of this program is all standards. Who pays, but it does very slowly. We say that a program is so uninviting that we could push the imagination to think in good faith.

the 7th and 8th place are two programs that are reeling. Onyx or Inv Shares and Premier League. The first says nothing. For now there are pending payments. Let's wait and see. But I'm pretty sure it is dead. For the second there is an administrator who writes continuously updates on the program. He talks about phantom thefts to his e-currency deposits. The thing stinks from a mile away.
say that is a program that has gone on for eight months and is not little. I do not know if he has the strength to pull himself up.

I greet you now.
I'd be here every day. Honestly I feel very little incentive to do so. Much also depends on your input.
thank those who I have recommended the programs. Will consider them and I will test the quality of reporting.
If you have topics you would like to develop, you can say it and see.
I do not mind at all that the temperature of the market to increase again Hyip,
least a little.
Per Aspera ad Astra!.


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