Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Inflamed Cervix Due To Large Penis

apparently quieter

As expected, the market for Hyip world seems to resume its usual pace.
the spotlight (I'd be curious to know how many people were drawn like flies to honey between summer 2009 and spring 2010) have brought an influx of very large players and the spotlight of institutions and large financial institutions have been directed at those programs as a fantasy investment of money.

But the show must go on, the show must go on. According to me for a while yet. With some other painful tear, maybe.

I must confess that the storm scam started in January and become unstoppable month after month until April-May in which virtually all major HYIP world exploded leaving behind rubble and disaster has completely cleared the my investment. For the avoidance of doubt I can say that my final balance was very positive. Say very much.
I can not hide those extra revenues that were useful for me and I realize now that it's not there. Also because the entire portfolio, when he was in full action, made it so much.

Now, with you, I'm making a new share portfolio. I am doing it slowly, a little to better understand the signals and a bit to indolence, as busy on many alternative projects that I steal enough time and resources.

The Hyip will not be an alternative source of income, as a game that allows you to test their potential by taking home more than a few cents or some small change as appropriate.
I recently interviewed a person who believed in these systems quickly and without enrichment and diversification strategy has thrown in what the figure of more than 30,000 €. Do you understand what we are talking about.
He asked me for advice before you take the plunge and because she did not agree with his idea of \u200b\u200bgreed, has ignored them. Basically just wanted to get an external agreement on what he was doing. I dissuaded from investing so much money. But he had cash and wanted to create an income without doing anything.
This is the error! What I wish you did not read that now!
Make money doing nothing is not a way to go. It 's a trap.
Not because we can not do.
Someone who wins the lottery or the lottery there. Someone who is born into a wealthy family there.
It 's a trap because doing nothing is degrading. It takes a taste for life.

The secret of happiness is
  1. Set yourself a goal.
  2. Gather resources, freedom of action and skill.
  3. Knowing the obstacles between us and the goal and
  4. Overcoming these obstacles.
This gives happiness. It 'obvious that earn so much and good is part of the success of a person.
create a pension is an excellent solution. If this can free us to do anything else. Not for doing nothing.
And do not tell me that if you had money, you would know well how to pass the time:
beaches, sea, holidays, women, parties, luxury cars, shopping of all kinds, perhaps drugs and excess, short stuff like that. Robe that all those who see the rich would do.
But even those who live like this, do not always live this way. Celebrate and enjoy their money but are engaged in different activities. Perhaps we spend as much time to celebrate, and work. Only that we are celebrating the mother-in-law (I do not want the mother in law but often the Sunday lunch is a great ball) while those who work and earn well unsympathetic mother-in-law sends her to hell and that Sunday is to do what he wants.

So pulling the amounts and play this game. This period is a good time to invest. At least until Christmas where there will be the first deaths. In this week's new programs will come in the standings. I believe at least 3 or 4. Stay tuned.

because Per aspera ad astra!.


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