The referendum seems to have made the Italian left back not just to those idyllic times. On the one hand, the nomenclature, the statuary that this fellow mustache line. Across the Trotskyists in turn, those perpetual revolution and the dictatorship of the base. Or perhaps it is only sensible people, who wanted to go to the government of Sicily in a more "democratic" and even without the much-maligned (until the day before) Lombardo.
The fact is, however, that Trotsky's Calatino, Gaetano Cardiel, removed as secretary of the Democratic Party of Caltagirone, won at the polls: 97% of voters (2124) took up arms against the intelligentsia of the high party and has not sent word. And the Politburo could only cry in the plot of "counterrevolutionaries" for Joseph Lupo, Antonello Cracolici and Concetta Raia is all the fault of Berlusconi and his "Thugs" infiltrating to blow up the agreement with the autonomous government. As if Enzo Bianco - one who wins the election, all right - and Mario Crisafulli were not able to feel the mood of a base, "educated" for years the moral struggle against the overwhelming power of a gentleman, Raffaele Lombardo, until yesterday indicated to the left of the worst politicians of the island.
those circumstances, it is not possible in a beautiful city, historically very active in politics, but ultimately quite small because, by and large, we all know, as Caltagirone, two thousand voters Pd have wanted to express - perhaps wrongly - against the decisions of the summit? We are sure that any "dialectical opposition" is the work of strange maneuvers, and not the result of a previous education of the masses, suddenly changed with the changing interests of the class avant-garde?
Yet, if the tactical operation of Wolf and the company is in bankruptcy, could have good strategic reasons. The Italian left - especially the Sicilian - does not govern. When it does, start by wanting to meet the needs of the workers, and ends by giving satisfaction to the pastimes of the intellectuals. This is because after Marx, Gramsci and the death of communism, the Left and the veterans Utopia have not been able - or unable - to analyze the real good to deduce a new language. In a nutshell? They sailed on sight, without knowing the purpose of political action.
Someone had to break the spell of Sleeping Beauty. He thought in 1998, Massimo D'Alema government of the nation. We have thought in Sicily and Wolf Cracolici, albeit with quite different results. But it is no coincidence that a couple of months after the agreement with Lombard, the Pd Sicilian region of posters plastered to communicate what he had torn from the whisker Grammichele. It was - you wanted it - the sign of the possibility of a government of the reformist left, also able to say yes, they also have responsibilities to assume. Did not lack the courage - one day they will say - indeed abound. And when the shepherds receive, for goodness too, that drove the wolf in the stomach of sheep who are defending, they are not men of peace, but reckless. Behold, the script was perfect, but the party is not cut out for leading actor.
However, the Trotskyists should note some limitations: to fall prostrate before the current state of affairs is not always wrong to judge that ergervisi. Because the ideas do not walk with the legs of men for the bumpy road of men, ideas are more than lame. These ideas are bankrupt.
Published on January 12, 2010 www.cataniapolitica.it
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