Okay, do not talk about scam .... only programs that do not pay more or who have closed or are off-line. Only those.
Dai, joke. And I do it because I'm at the end of a couple of weeks in which, for the first time in about a year and a half, I had more capital lost in programs that have closed that earnings from the programs they pay.
That appeared a negative sign.
Then came his time to defuse.
Surely those who have seen their money evaporate, they will be hating me now. But I hope you will be with me further and I hope you will take it philosophically.
How are things going?
I am preparing for this weekend one of these summarizing the first four months. In order to review the form of figures and statistics and the progress of programs monitored.
As always, the emotion information to be very different from the quantitative analysis of a phenomenon.
now all the big old, or those programs that have made the fortune of the HYIP world and that both have made us dream, they died. And buried.
PanaMoney Farewell then, Verifield, FxProsperity, NewInvestment World, Business Afon, WWFD, HYI Fund, maximax Profits, and Investment Xaga Enterprise Vault.
Many of these programs had more than a year old and one 2. They went to keep company with superstars Nanomoney, Genius Fund, Investment Forge, Stable Interest and Gold Nugget Invest program paying 2 or 3 years.
Not to mention the disappearance of Forex Macro, which many followers even outside the narrow circle of enthusiasts had HYIP.
We've spent the past few months to sprinkle ashes on their heads noting the death.
Let's face it, we all believed we had. We thought of having to square the circle and the ability to live without a range of ca ... rocking.
In fact, I never thought about living in this nor do I think that this balance would last forever.
How many times have I been accused of excessive caution on the e-mails or comments?
But if we assume that the world is a world HYIP "sui generis" whose income is derived from a specific game shift of capital from the many hands of inexperienced investors hopeful and clever hands of the few directors and vultures without spudorarati any ethical sense, we can also decide that this particular market has its own intrinsic dynamics of supply and demand and its specific dynamics of expansion and contraction.
Just as the real market or markets for speculative regulated by public bodies.
The HYIP world is a world without rules. Put the money there, but everything you write or read is a farce and nothing is as it seems.
This blog has shown that over a very long time could be forfeited through a detailed strategy for revenue diversification and prudential.
Now, perhaps, is the case of pulling the oars in a little boat and take an attitude, if anything, even more conservative and prudent.
But I'm sure that soon the HYIP market will resume its course. It will do so as soon as many headlights are off on what and when the interest will be diminished.
job in the field of finance.
the end of 2008 banks and financial institutions began to close the valves. By spring the valves were closed. It is not funded almost anyone. Banks in 2008 had as the budget provision of € 2 billion (in Italy), decided in 2009 that would have paid only 400 million. So money to the very best customers or give money to those who have the money. Loans only to those who have tens of thousands of euro in your pocket and earn 3000 Euros a month.
Then all of a sudden, from a few months now, here comes the circular said: "We share."
And who in the meantime worked a commission in this market? How?
people like me, for example.
In 2008 I worked 5 calculator and completed 3. In the worst case 2.
In 2009 I was working 15 calculator and completed 1. Two if I was lucky. 3 times more work for less money. Also because they paid lower commissions.
markets come and go.
My ranking is still very low.
This week I had 22 programs in the chart. Between now and tomorrow we will remove 9. And I'll add 5.
Among the old remain Traders Group International (a real surprise for me, I did not think would last so long) and WbWso, now the only one at this moment I would advise dispassionately. Sure there are
Top Financial and Cherry Shares that are getting very good performance. As Invesiones Multiples which is very vital, with his press conferences. Others see them as filling HYIP.
Nothing, just that.
I did not want to speak only of scam. That's it.
Thanks for your attention.
Per aspera ad Astra.
PS: I know I have answered so many of you via e-mail. Many of the things you asked me unfortunately I am now "expired" and it makes no sense to give you an answer. As a matter of fairness, however, send a feed-back to anyone I have written. I hope you will appreciate. In recent weeks, the number of mail was still high and problems of reorganizing my computer (I have changed my computer after I fixed my left foot) I almost have to be prevented from timely answers.
And once missed the boat ..........
Thanks so also pazianza.
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