my wife is right, from secular graceful of the computer world, telling me to be careful and do not trust 100% of these jars technology. I resumed my work after a break for the Easter holidays, and the enthusiasm was high and this, I will not hide. But last week I had a problem with your computer. Unfortunately in my crude attempt to re-install the operating system to make my car more stable and efficient, I hurt the back-up data. So I found myself losing a valuable directory where data were particularly important. Nothing devastating, for charity, but are almost certainly a week to work to restore the pre-disaster situation. This has led to a slowdown in my presence on the blog. What I will try to recover as soon as possible. Of course I am sorry to be absent in these days of great distress for HYIP-er. Verifield also one of the last large remaining in the second round, is having mountains problems. In my hand is almost sure he breathed his last. And I say with a tinge of sadness because Verifield was one of the most HYIP that I loved and that gave me more satisfaction. The vacuum that leaves will not be filled soon. In fact, the discomfort of which I speak is also from the testimony against the indifference of readers of my blog and similar systems. E 'physiological. How , consequently, has a slight physiological tired of bloggers on the general theme of the HYIP. What can I say? When I started the blog, I did it because I thought there was something to say about it and something to share. Now that a lot of things in the landscape of the HYIP world are going wrong, I still think, and maybe more. Because everyone is good to win with HYIP's when everything goes well. But I knew that sooner or later, we come to this. Many HYIP-er (especially the more emotional and more improvised) fled after the pain of loss and disappointment of a broken dream. In my opinion a step in the HYIP world has ended with the month of March. Other HYIP close and others will arise. Many investors will disappear from the arena and a lot less attention than the general public will be directed on the HYIP. The disappearance of Forex Macro, Genius, Nanomoney of GNI and marked the end of the titans. Their presence was pulling into the world of HYIPs, often people with urgent financial needs they saw in HYIP a solution to their problems. I do not believe that behind the collapse of the giants there is no altruistic purpose. But surely, after the dust is settled, we will be much less to devote to this game. And that will make things a little easier. Not that I exult with joy for these facts. First sorry for those who lost their money because it began operations in the worst period in its own HYIP. Secondly I feel sorry for me that I'm going to lose a substantial monthly income that those giants gave me, as invested in them since 2008. I'm done with all the big surplus, and then in the end, I won. And this indeed is what counts. I leave you remembering what is the axiom of ZERO HYIP world. IF YOU THINK THAT THE HYIP'S ARE AN INVESTMENT, lose your money. HYIP IF YOU THINK THAT'S NOT AN INVESTMENT BUT ONLY A GAME, DO NOT LOSE YOUR MONEY BUT THEY EARN. I hope that this axiom (the natural law of the same order as the laws of physics) you like. Certainly, after two years of "play" with HYIP's, I found to be truly functional. And if I write Per aspera ad astra! there must be a reason ........ Greetings to all.
again in battle, after the Easter holidays
Hello, returning after an absence due to a small parenthesis holiday in which I tried to spend as much time as possible to my family and my children. certainly return to our loved-hated world of HYIP is not as sweet as I thought. are under the care of all the difficulties of Verifield in recent years become a set PanaMoney, the only BIG left of HYIP out there. honesty is not the first time that such a thing happens, though, to be honest, other times had been resolved in a time shorter. It 'obvious that it shifts the attention to the maximum level of ALERT. Someone asked me if I have at hand some news on Verifield particular but to all intents and purposes, I have not any detailed information because these days are 1-and 2-was absent because I myself am waiting for more explanations as those obtained by the admin are certainly unsatisfactory. I can not hide that he always had a soft spot for a program like Verifield. A program that allows a maximum of my strategy that I think the best conjugation between profit and prudence. In this regard, to answer some questions I was asked about what is in the email in the comments of an old post. the question I get asked is: I uncertainty.
I'll take $ 100 from his pocket and invest them after I do a lot of transactions and find myself with $ 50 invested and pocket $ 62 is where the green zone?
The green area is that threshold where we took the money from one program are higher, even a penny, the money deposited. This is because the axiom 1 (highest law!) Of the HYIP that says we have to consider lost the money deposited in a HYIP is not when it closes (scamma!) but just the exact moment when deposited ! So if I deposit $ 100, then I lost $ 100 in a HYIP. Think about it ... Could close the next day .... Why not choose a strategic option of stronger HOPE THAT PAY ........... So after depositing $ 100, I lost $ 100 and, as a gain (which is what interests us) are at $ -100. Red minus 100, I think. As I stated in the application is, after a lot of transactions, I find myself with having recovered $ 62. So? You have to answer ....... Red Green 100 + less than 62. Or a hundred dollars lost $ 62 and go to recovery: GAIN - $ 38. Also in the red zone. It is not green. I am currently doing this game with IMPULSE. We can estimate that for a few months hold. So I started with a sum that I think perdibile. Each week the withdrawal of the capital and earnings. I'm still in red but I will be in little green. Of course, the usual argument is that from the beginning if I had left the whole capital with which I started now I would earn much more but HERE IS THE ERROR! I would not have won more, but less, because earnings are not virtual ones showing a HYIP site but the real ones that fall in their account. an example. Strategy A: Invest in IMPULSE (as I do this because I know that with him to Verifield we forget, mah ....) $ 100. Every day, $ 1 ages. I do not withdraw and never expect 100 days to close the investment. At the end of 100 days, because of compound interest I have accrued the amount of $ 267.80. If the program is active and paid off, withdraw the amount with a net gain of $ 167.80. More than double the investment. But this is only true at the end of 100 days. For all other 99 days this investment is at a loss. 99 days and 1 day at a loss in profit. Let us remember. Strategy B: same investment but this time withdraw the interest every week. And I leave the capital. Each aside about $ 7.21 that week to 100 days are $ 102.06 + $ 100 of initial capital. In this case the end is always a decent gain twice the amount invested. But although in this case we will take all week, we will see that our investment is always at a loss for all 100 days. It 's always in the red zone. It 'true that this area is decreasing. After the first week we are at $ -92.79, $ -86.57 after the second, after the third and so on to $ -78.46. That is, if the program scam, we contained the losses. But more losses. Strategy C: The same initial investment but with the technique to "slip". Invest $ 100. After a week's retreat and the interests capital. Let's say I decide to withdraw capital of $ 10 each week (the number may vary at will according to the percentage of attirudine risk) plus interest. The first 10 weeks withdrawal +7.21 U.S. dollars, the second 10 +6.5 U.S. dollars, the third 10 +5.77 U.S. dollars and so on. After 7 weeks I have withdrawn from the program $ 100.35. And I'm in the green zone. If the program closes I got more than I made. At this point I decide to leave the capital there and collect all the interest. Or decide to withdraw part of the interest and leave the rest to capital. Or continue with the technique of slipping, maybe taking less than $ 10 capital. The options are endless. It 'should create a simple spreadsheet with Excel for viewing options. imagining that we stop at 7 weeks to withdraw the capital at the end we will withdraw $ 153.37. With a gain of only 53%. But our investment would have been profitable for 51 days out of 100. course it is a conservative strategy, which seems a little like the HYIP-er who love the performance formula of a HYIP. But then complain when they crash into the first corner because they thought that to win you should never hit the brakes and slow down. Remember that if the program scam to 10 weeks 14 weeks instead of making all that we expect, we would have won (with strategy C) well $ 8 (108 minus 100 withdrawal of deposits) that are a total bell'8% or a 3.2% monthly. Against a net loss of 100% of the strategy and a loss of 27% of the strategy B. Hello everyone and the next. E Per aspera ad astra!